Saturday, March 26, 2016

Folder of Development: Part 01
Surveys are easy to develop, especially when using the advanced researched  solutions available today. Many researchers are tempted to do much of their data collection online; however, it is not always the preferred mode of data collection, especially if respondents are in hard-to-reach areas. Whether a researcher uses a combination of all modes, the mode should depend on the type of study and the demographics of respondents.

Online surveys and mobile surveys tend to be the most cost-effective modes of survey research, yet they may not reach those respondents that can only respond using alternate modes. Results of online surveys and mobile surveys may suffer and differ greatly if important respondents are left out of the research. Hard-to-reach respondents may be easier to reach using more traditional methods such as paper surveys or face-to-face interviews.
Advanced survey software solutions have multi-mode capabilities for online surveys, mobile surveys, email surveys, paper surveys, kiosk surveys, and more, giving researchers the ability to survey even the hardest-to reach consumers, and analyze data from all survey modes collectively.
The ability to reach respondents is one challenge of surveys. However, surveys have several advantages and disadvantages. They are as follows:


·         Relatively easy to administer
·         Can be developed in less time (compared to other data-collection methods)
·         Cost-effective, but cost depends on survey mode
·         Can be administered remotely via online, mobile devices, mail, email, kiosk, or telephone.
·         Conducted remotely can reduce or prevent geographical dependence
·         Capable of collecting data from a large number of respondents
·   Numerous questions can be asked about a subject, giving extensive flexibility in data analysis

·         With survey software, advanced statistical techniques can be utilized to analyze survey data to determine validity, reliability, and statistical significance, including the ability to analyze multiple variables
·         A broad range of data can be collected (e.g., attitudes, opinions, beliefs, values, behavior, factual).
·         Standardized surveys are relatively free from several types of error.

Folder ed By- Edu. Program.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Project of Edu. Program for CU View

After picking group member 30 our work will jerk rapidly. So decide which and where your work place and sector support you most.
Our Programs are-

Part Time Work:

By leading your department, if part time work support money that being best work for us if we able manage.


Tuition is another program which will proceed pettily. Generally tuition vile program not aid much for your Career. But as a University student it’s very calm approach to support your Graduation schooling. 

Freelancing & Online Work:

Freelancing and online base work is another tactic to income. Best assistance of this approach that you don’t need to travel just work and work at your PC. We also able to accomplish you these category of work if you being expert in a sector.

so,form now decide to work in which sector you want to work and join your friends who need support also.
Thankful view- From Edu. Program

Office: Edu. Program
Alom nibas, Shantir Hat
Rangunia, Chittagong
For More information Please Contact: 01629184641

Although the business environment has been endlessly experiencing negative changes such as economic downsizing and restructuring resulting in fewer hierarchical positions but at the same time the need for improving productivity while keeping a pace with continuously changing technology has also increased. Organizations, therefore, instead of hiring a new individual from the market prefer to promote their already existing employee to a specific position as he or she is already aware of the organizational culture and does not need to be trained. This requires a careful succession planning of employees and developing and preparing them continuously for filling topmost designations in future.

The process of organizational career development is important for both employees and employers. There may be several unintended and undesired changes as well as consequences that can change the entire scenario. In such a situation both employees and employers must be ready to keep with the changing environment and act accordingly. Employees continuously need to upgrade their skills and competencies to meet the current demands where as organizations must be ready with those employees who can handle the pressure efficiently and cease the risk of falling prey to the changed scenario. Therefore, understanding the importance of career development is very necessary for both the parties.
Business Environment Factors that can Bring Undesired Changes
  • Economic Downsizing: The biggest of all the factors that has badly affected the careers of millions of individuals is economic downsizing. The jobs are cut from the organizations and the fittest of all employees survive. If employees continuously learn new and better skills, chances are that economic conditions won’t hurt them that badly as compared to other individuals.
  • De-layering: De-layering means reclassification of jobs. This is an organizational change initiative where a company decides to reclassify the jobs more broadly. However, old reporting lines do exist in order to maintain managerial control but some jobs may be removed or cut down during the process. Again, those individuals have to leave the organization who are not competent enough to be shifted to other job with different nature.
  • Cost Reduction Strategies of the Organization: Cost-reduction strategies of the organizations are again very dangerous for those individuals who are not prepared to move on to the next level. If organizations have to cut down their operating costs, the employment of those individuals is at stake who are not employable or who have not performed up to the mark in past. Employees continuously need to upgrade themselves and show their talent in order to remain in the organizations till long.
  • IT Innovations: Continuous changes and upgradation in the technology is also one of the major factors that bring change. Some individuals can keep a pace with the changing technology and are always ready to learn and adopt new IT applications while some show immense resistance which is not acceptable to the organizations. Employees need to keep themselves updated and show willingness to accept changes as and when they occur and mould themselves accordingly.
The business changes affect both organizations and employees. The need is to understand them and find a way to cope with them effectively.

Once you have great employees on board, how do you keep them from jumping ship? One way is by offering a good benefits package.

Many small-business owners mistakenly believe they cannot afford to offer benefits. But while going without benefits may boost your bottom line in the short run, than penny-wise philosophy could strangle your business's chances for long-term prosperity. "There are certain benefits good employees feel they must have," says Ray Silverstein, founder of PRO, President's Resource Organization, a small-business advisory network.
Heading the list of must-have benefits is medical insurance, but many job applicants also demand a retirement plan, disability insurance and more. Tell these applicants no benefits are offered, and often top-flight candidates will head for the door.
The positive side to this coin: Offer the right benefit, and your business may just jump-start its growth. "Give employees the benefits they value, and they'll be more satisfied, miss fewer workdays, be less likely to quit, and have higher commitment to meeting the company's goals," says Joe Lineberry, a senior vice president at Aon Consulting, a human resources consulting firm. "The research shows that when employees feel their benefits needs are satisfied, they're more productive."
Simply put, students who hold down part-time jobs will have more money than they would have otherwise. As they come into adulthood, earning an income can boost their confidence and allow them to have some fun within the limits of their paychecks. Some students need to work through school to afford tuition. Others will set the money aside to pay back student loans. Still, the money will be theirs to spend as they wish, and they may appreciate it more because they worked for it.

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